Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Sustainability

Why CSR & Sustainability Matters to Us

At Snellman Law, we believe that serving the public good is not only a moral duty, but also a source of inspiration. Our CSR & Sustainability is the practical expression of our core values as a firm and as professionals. We are proud of our heritage of contributing to the community and we strive to uphold this tradition in everything we do.

How We Make a Difference

We are involved in a wide range of initiatives that aim to promote the values and causes that benefit our community. We listen to our staff and support their suggestions for CSR & Sustainability activities. We also have a dedicated team that guides and coordinates our efforts in this area. Here are some examples of how we make a difference:

We provide free legal advice and representation to organisations that need our help. We share our expertise and resources with these organisations and help them achieve their goals. We work on cases that involve human rights, social justice, environmental protection, and more.
We participate in a number of organisations that support environmental sustainability, science, education, and social responsibility. We organise events, campaigns, and donations to support various organisations that work for the public good.

We contribute to the society by participating in the development of legislation that affects our profession and our clients. We provide feedback, suggestions, and opinions on legal issues and reforms.

We inspire young people by lecturing at universities, schools, and other institutions. We share our knowledge and experience with the next generation of professionals and leaders.

We develop our own working environment to make it more sustainable, diverse, and inclusive. We care about our people and we foster a culture of respect, collaboration, and innovation.
