
Digital and Technology

Whatever your digital or technology law needs may be, our team has the track record and capability to assist you. We can offer you a full-service experience within this legal field, ranging from drafting, negotiating, interpreting, and litigating contracts to advising on regulatory compliance and assisting in litigation.
  • IT, technology and digital services procurement and supply, such as

    – artificial intelligence (AI) systems and general-purpose AI (generative AI) models and services

    – SaaS/cloud services

    – ERP-systems

    – outsourcing

  • digital transition and/or transformation projects
  • e-commerce and other platforms
  • fintech
  • digital regulatory advice relating to e.g.,

    – the AI Act, the Data Act, and other laws within the EU Digital Decade legislative package, such as NIS II

    – public sector use of digital services

    – financial and insurance sector use of digital services

  • space
  • telecommunication
  • advising on digital and technology matters in M&A transactions

On our website dedicated to the EU Digital Decade we provide an overview of EU Regulations and Directives following the EU’s Digital Decade strategy, such as the EU AI Act, the Data Act, NIS 2, DORA and Cyber Resilience Act. Please visit

Partner | Stockholm
+46 760 000 004
Partner | Stockholm
+46 760 000 009