
Data, Privacy, and Cybersecurity

Our Data, Privacy and Cybersecurity practice is one of the most experienced and leading practices in Sweden.

We offer a complete and tailor-made approach on data protection compliance. Our service offering is, however, not only limited to personal data, but we also advise clients in respect of commercial data protection and data regulatory compliance, including requirements under the EU Digital Decade legislation such as the AI Act, NIS II and the Data Act.

Our approach is strongly influenced by our view that meeting the requirements of the GDPR and other data privacy legislation should be regarded as a business enabler and not solely as a compliance issue. In addition, we help our clients with compliance with relevant legal and regulatory frameworks in respect cyber security and cyber breach management.

  • assisting in legal risk assessments such as Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA), Legitimate Interest assessment (LIA) and International Data Transfer Impact Assessment (TIA)

  • first- and second opinions on data privacy matters

  • analysing and implementing new decisions by the authorities, ECJU and other case law, such as DPA and EDPB guidance

  • drafting and commenting on privacy information and other GDPR documentation
  • drafting, reviewing and negotiating data related agreements such as data processing agreements (DPA), data transfer agreements (DTA) and intra group data processing agreements (IGDTA)

  • advise in relation to acquisition of data covering both commercial and personal data

  • advising on data, privacy, and cybersecurity matters in M&A transactions
  • contacts with the authorities in case of investigations and data protection and data privacy litigation

  • assistance in case of personal data and security breaches
Partner | Stockholm
+46 760 000 004