
Public M&A

Our Public M&A team advises on complex and multi-dimensional situations in the context of public transactions. We have extensive experience from decades of advising leading corporates, bidders, targets, sellers, investors and other stakeholders on both buy-side and sell-side public M&A and other strategically important matters.

Our Public M&A practice has gained recognition working as lead legal advisor in numerous international transactions, drawing on the experience of some of our partners who have practised in London and New York. This allows us to efficiently combine local requirements with international standards.

Lawyers from our Public M&A team participate as experts in regulatory work at the EU and national levels in corporate governance, takeover, listing and corporate finance matters.

We emphasise the importance of combining quality legal expertise with a pragmatic commercial approach.

  • Public takeovers (public to private)

  • Takeover defence and strategies

  • Cross-border and local mergers and de-mergers

  • Cross-border conversions and other re-domiciliations

  • Acquisitions with in-kind consideration

  • Sale of material assets by listed companies

  • Corporate spin-offs

  • Public recapitalisations (public to public)

  • Corporate restructurings

  • Related party transactions

  • Offer documents and prospectuses

  • Market disclosure and communication

  • Market abuse and insider matters
Partner | Stockholm
+46 760 000 007
Partner | Stockholm
+46 760 000 003
Partner | Stockholm
+46 760 000 084