
Marketing & Consumer Law

We specialise in helping our clients navigate the complex landscape of consumer law, unfair practices, and marketing law by providing strategic advice and practical and pragmatic legal advice.

Our legal services in this area are tailored to address the diverse needs of our clients, whether your business is navigating the regulatory landscape for the first time, or a multinational corporation seeking to keep up with the evolving legal requirements in a multi-jurisdiction environment.

  • Providing regulatory advice relating to marketing and consumer law,

  • Advising on legal issues relating to marketing campaigns (both online and offline), sales promotions, as well as on matters relating to social media, online and traditional media, and related contractual issues,

  • Handling of consumer complaints,

  • Assisting in proceedings with the local authorities and, if needed, participate in proceedings before the local courts and if needed coordination with local counsel,

  • Advising on environmental and other green claims,
    Analysing and take measures against unfair business practices by our clients’ competitors, and

  • Providing advice on packaging and labelling requirements, customer data, environmental and health claims, as well as product liability and recalls.
Partner | Stockholm
+46 760 000 009