
Dispute Resolution

Snellman’s Dispute Resolution Practice has a long and proven track record of generating successful results for the firm’s clients. We advise clients in their business disputes, regulatory investigations, and cases of insolvency. We have a wealth of experience in domestic civil and administrative litigation, as well as cross-border litigation, including precautionary measures. We act for clients in both ad-hoc arbitration proceedings and arbitration proceedings administered by institutes around the world. When acting as counsel, we draw from our experience acting as arbitrators. We can best assist clients in reaching informed settlements when we are involved early through negotiations and mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution.

With a focus on complex international cases, we provide a dedicated team of experts who litigate and arbitrate disputes across different business sectors and under a wide variety of jurisdictions in an efficient and result-oriented manner.’

We have extensive experience and particular expertise in acting as counsel in complex construction matters covering infrastructure, residential and commercial developments, logistics, power supply (including green energy), mining and underground works.

Partner | Stockholm
+46 760 000 013
Partner | Stockholm
+46 760 000 012